Maintenance - Page 39 of 140 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Dwarf white-stripe
Pleioblastus variegatusDwarf white-stripe has 5-inch-long, upward-pointing green leaves strongly variegated with white.
Plant Guide
Common witch hazel
Hamamelis virginiana
The native common witch hazel is an understory plant that becomes leggy if it has to reach for light, but in the open, it develops into a graceful, spreading shrub…
Plant Guide
Spanish flag
Mina lobataSprays of long, tubular buds spark into a fiery scarlet and fade to a pale cream on this annual climbing vine.
Plant Guide
Golden larch
Pseudolarix kaempferiThe golden larch is a lovely deciduous conifer whose lacy foliage turns golden in autumn.
Plant Guide
Asarina scandensA half-hardy perennial, this sophisticated climber grows to 8 feet tall.
Plant Guide
Setcreasea pallida ‘Purple Heart’
Setcreasea pallida 'Purple Heart''Purple Heart' is a trailing, tender perennial with purple stems and violet-purple leaves that produces pink flowers in summer.
Plant Guide
‘Serola’ daffodil
Narcissus ‘Serola’Brightly colored, large-cupped, and reliable, Narcissus 'Serola' has vivid orange and yellow flowers that make it the perfect choice for roadside plantings, for gardens viewed from a distance, and for…
Plant Guide
Makinoi’s holly fern
Polystichum makinoiThis evergreen terrestial fern has a somewhat formal look due to its satiny olive-green fronds and neat, arching habit.
Plant Guide
‘Morning Light’ miscanthus
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Morning Light’This beautiful grass has an "inner light" that emanates from the white midribs of its fine-textured leaf blades and the threads of white around their edges.
Plant Guide
Japanese laurel
Aucuba japonicaAucuba are grown for their bold foliage, autumn fruit, and adaptability to shade, dry soil, pollution, and coastal conditions.