Maintenance - Page 40 of 140 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Mexican hat
Ratibida columniferaThis perennial coneflower, sometimes grown as an annual, has a long season of flowers on thin, branching stems.
Plant Guide
Fairy fan flower
Scaevola aemulaThis heat- and drought-tolerant plant is an evergreen perennial, although it is often grown as an annual.
Plant Guide
Royal azalea
Rhododendron schlippenbachiiRoyal azalea has large, fragrant pink blooms in spring.
Plant Guide
Lysimachia ephemerumThis herbaceous perennial forms clumps of gray-green leaves from which arise slender racemes of small white flowers with mauve-colored veins, making for an almost gray appearance.
Plant Guide
Hardy garden mum
Chrysanthemum morifoliumThere would be few cut flowers blooming in October were it not for hardy garden mums.
Plant Guide
Patrinia scabiosifolia
Patrinia scabiosifoliaFrom a basal mound of toothed leaves (similar to scabiosa's foliage) rise 4- to 6-foot stems of tiny chrome-yellow flowers.
Plant Guide
‘Variegatum’ scented geranium
Pelargonium crispum ‘Variegatum’This lemon-scented, shrubby, upright pelargonium has cream-margined leaves.
Plant Guide
Scented geranium
Pelargonium crispumThis plant is a lemon-scented, shrubby, upright pelargonium with pale pink flowers and crinkled leaves.
Plant Guide
Nicotiana langsdorffii
Broad, deep-green leaves nearly a foot long and panicles of flowers the color of a Granny Smith apple make this Nicotiana a great companion for many other garden plants.
Plant Guide
Tree tobacco
Nicotiana glaucaTree tobacco bears fleshy, almost succulent, saucer-size leaves that have a lovely silver-blue color.