Maintenance - Page 46 of 140 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Red osier dogwood
Cornus stoloniferaRed osier dogwood is a deciduous shrub with a rounded, spreading form.
Plant Guide
Flowering dogwood
Cornus florida
This native flowering tree is best known for its early spring blossoms, which are actually yellowish green flowers clustered in the center of four showy, white to pink bracts 1-1/2…
Plant Guide
Colocasia esculentaA large, showy, marginal aquatic plant with heart-shaped, dark green leaves, taro can reach 5 feet tall and is often grown as a summer annual.
Plant Guide
Clematis viticella ‘Alba Luxurians’
Clematis viticella 'Alba Luxurians''Alba Luxurians' is a very tough, late-flowering climber with small flowers that open from midsummer to late autumn.
Plant Guide
Mexican orange blossom
Choisya ternata 'Sundance''Sundance' Mexican orange blossom is an evergreen, compact shrub with white, fragrant flowers borne in late spring, and again in late summer and autumn.
Plant Guide
Cephalanthus occidentalis
A native small tree found in wetlands from Minnesota to Florida and from New England to California, buttonbush can reach 8 to 15 feet tall and is often wider than it…
Plant Guide
Trumpet creeper
Campsis radicans
Trumpet creeper is a vigorous climber with clusters of trumpet-shaped orange to red flowers from late summer to autumn.
Plant Guide
New England aster
Aster novae-angliae
Strong, almost woody, stems bear large sprays (to 10 inches) of violet-purple flowers.
Plant Guide
New York aster
Aster dumosusThis is a short-growing aster with lilac-blue flowers and creeping rootstocks.
Plant Guide
Red chokeberry
Aronia arbutifoliaFragrant white flowers in spring, red fall foliage, and persistent berries for winter interest make Aronia a valuable plant in all seasons.