Maintenance - Page 50 of 140 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
‘Royal Purple’ smoketree
Cotinus coggygria ‘Royal Purple’This shrub or small tree has stunning dark red-purple foliage that turns scarlet in autumn.
Plant Guide
‘Sonata Dwarf Mix’ cosmos
Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Sonata Dwarf Mix’This series produces compact plants 1 foot tall and about as wide with large blossoms in pure white and many shades of pink.
Plant Guide
Sensation Series cosmos
Cosmos bipinnatus Sensation SeriesThis series of annuals produces extra large, cup-shaped blossoms to 3-1/2 inches across in shades of white or pink all summer long.
Plant Guide
‘Moonbeam’ Thread-leaved tickseed
Coreopsis verticillata ‘Moonbeam’'Moonbeam' produces star-like blossoms of pale yellow from late spring into autumn.
Plant Guide
Eared coreopsis
Coreopsis auriculataLarge golden-yellow blossoms are borne in late spring and midsummer on top of stems reaching almost 3 feet high.
Plant Guide
Solitary clematis
Clematis integrifolia
Clematis integrifolia is a herbaceous, woody-based, upright, non-climbing perennial with a dense and somewhat sprawling habit.
Plant Guide
‘Colchester White’ dusty miller
Centaurea cineraria 'Colchester White'Best used as a foliage plant, this plant's intricately cut, frosty-silver leaves produce a large, elegant arching mound.
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Tropicanna® canna
Canna ‘Phasion’This vigorous 5- to 6-foot plant sports fascinating foliage colors.
Plant Guide
Indian shot
Canna × generalisCannas bear broad, smooth, paddle-like leaves reminiscent of banana plants.