Partial Shade to Full Shade - Page 5 of 15 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Longleaf Oregon grape
Mahonia nervosaA 2-foot-high evergreen shrub native to the woods and woodland edges of the Pacific Northwest, mahonia gives a shady area three seasons of interest.
Plant Guide
Dwarf elephant’s ear
Colocasia affinis var. jenningsiiThis little elephant’s ear has velvety dark leaves with prominent green veins and a large silvery central blotch.
Plant Guide
‘Prostrata’ plum yew
Cephalotaxus harringtonii ‘Prostrata’This slow-growing dwarf conifer has a wide, rounded crown and narrowly furrowed, partially peeling bark.
Plant Guide
‘Looking Glass’ Siberian bugloss
Brunnera macrophylla 'Looking Glass'This brunnera cultivar has a silvery, heart-shaped leaves that are mostly everygreen.
Plant Guide
Begonia ‘Marmaduke’
Begonia 'Marmaduke''Marmaduke' Rex begonia sports chocolate-colored speckles across golden leaves.
Plant Guide
‘Escargot’ begonia
Begonia ‘Escargot’'Escargot' takes its name from the snail-like curl pattern at the base of the leaf.
Plant Guide
Begonia ‘Cowardly Lion’
Begonia 'Cowardly Lion'Unlike many other shade garden plants with their cool blue colors, 'Cowardly Lion' rex begonia offers rich warm tones.
Plant Guide
Siberian bugloss
Brunnera macrophylla
This woodland plant is valued for its flowers and groundcovering leaves.
Plant Guide
Southern maidenhair fern
Adiantum capillus-venerisThe southern maidenhair fern has fluffy, airy, and elegant foliage, which works equally well in containers or in open ground.