Partial Shade to Full Shade - Page 6 of 15 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Northern maidenhair fern
Adiantum pedatum
Northern maidenhair fern's curved fronds have wiry black stems that wave in the wind.
Plant Guide
Wild ginger
Asarum canadense
The rounded, lustrous leaves of this native plant form an appealing green ground cover.
Plant Guide
Evergreen wild ginger
Asarum shuttleworthiiThis wild ginger is an evergreen groundcover with heart-shaped, shiny leaves that are often marbled.
Plant Guide
European wild ginger
Asarum europaeumEuropean wild ginger is a low-growing groundcover with glossy, evergreen, heart-shaped leaves.
Plant Guide
‘Sweet Tea’ heucherella
x Heucherella 'Sweet Tea'Anyone who gardens in the shade is familiar with heucherella.
Plant Guide
‘Blue Shadows’ hosta
Hosta ‘Blue Shadows’'Blue Shadows' is a medium-sized plant with coarse, deep blue, variegated leaves.
Plant Guide
Heart Shaped Hosta
Hosta sieboldiana 'Elegans''Elegans' is a large hosta with deep, smoky blue, slightly frosted heart-shaped foliage.
Plant Guide
Funnel-shaped hosta
Hosta ‘Fortunei Albo-marginata’Bold, large, shield-shaped leaves with a deep green center and creamy-white margins turn white with age.
Plant Guide
Knotted geranium
Geranium nodosumThis attractive groundcover blooms all summer and is tolerant of diverse habitats.
Plant Guide
Fuchsia Shadow Dancer™ Ginger
Fuchsia Shadow Dancer™ GingerA bushy, compact fuchsia, Shadow Dancer™ Ginger has pale pink and white flowers that dangle gracefully out of pots, baskets, or window boxes.