Partial Shade to Full Shade - Page 8 of 15 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
American mandrake
Podophyllum peltatumMayapple is a rhizomatous, native woodland perennial with leaves in the shape of an umbrella.
Plant Guide
Fragrant Solomon’s seal
Polygonatum odoratumFrom late spring to early summer, this species bears pendent, green-tipped white flowers along arching stems.
Plant Guide
‘Anne Greenaway’ lamium
Lamium maculatum 'Anne Greenaway''Anne Greenaway' infuses the garden with excitement, with its bright chartreuse leaf margins.
Plant Guide
Enchantress® hydrangea
Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Monmar’Enchantress® upstages other reblooming Hydrangeas with her huge mophead flowers atop unique ruby-black stems.
Plant Guide
‘Hose-in-hose’ cowslip, primrose
Primula vulgaris hose-in-hose variety
Primroses and cowslips have a habit of spontaneously producing odd forms called sports, which are often very appealing.
Plant Guide
Polyanthus primrose
Primula (polyanthus type)The Polyanthus group of primroses, with their sturdy stalks and dense umbels of flowers, are a tribute to the hybridizer’s art.
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Lavender reblooming azalea
Rhododendron Bloom-A-Thon® LavenderFrom Proven Winners: Twice as nice as other azaleas!
Plant Guide
Red reblooming azalea
Rhododendron Bloom-A-Thon® RedFrom Proven Winners: Why settle for just a week or two of flowers when you can enjoy up to five months of blooms?
Plant Guide
‘Lakeside Shore Master’ hosta
Hosta ‘Lakeside Shore Master’With hefty, chartreuse-flared leaves, ‘Lakeside Shore Master’ hosta commands attention.