Red - Page 18 of 24 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Partridge pea
Chamaecrista fasciculataThis colorful annual legume bears attractive yellow flowers that have reddish-purple spots at their base.
Plant Guide
Spanish flag
Mina lobataSprays of long, tubular buds spark into a fiery scarlet and fade to a pale cream on this annual climbing vine.
Plant Guide
Japanese laurel
Aucuba japonicaAucuba are grown for their bold foliage, autumn fruit, and adaptability to shade, dry soil, pollution, and coastal conditions.
Plant Guide
Hardy garden mum
Chrysanthemum morifoliumThere would be few cut flowers blooming in October were it not for hardy garden mums.
Plant Guide
Lilium 'Star Gazer'
Often used by florists, 'Star Gazer' lily has bright crimson flowers with purple spots and dark edges.
Plant Guide
Bedding zinnia
Zinnia elegans Dreamland seriesThis annual series is comprised of dwarf, compact plants, 10 to 12 inches tall and half as wide.
Plant Guide
Flame nasturtium
Tropaeolum speciosumThis tender perennial climber has edible, hand-shaped leaves and crimson red flowers in summer and fall which are uniquely textured.
Plant Guide
‘Whirlybird Mix’ nasturtium
Tropaeolum majus ‘Whirlybird Mix’This old-fashioned cultivar of the species has a mounding habit and grows up to 18 inches tall and a foot wide.
Plant Guide
‘Empress of India’ nasturtium
Tropaeolum majus ‘Empress of India’This old-fashioned cultivar has a mounding habit and grows to a foot tall and wide.
Plant Guide
‘Alaska Mix’ nasturtium
Tropaeolum majus ‘Alaska Mix’This old-fashioned cultivar of the species has a mounding habit and grows 10-12 inches tall.