These early-, midseason, or late-flowering vines climb walls and cover spots with brilliant color. They are grown for their abundant flowers, which are often followed by decorative seed heads. Species include short-growing perennials, trailing shrubs, and climbers. Habit, leaf form, bloom time, and flower size and color vary greatly.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsClimbing species can be grown on trellises, arbors, walls, or over large shrubs or small trees. Herbaceous species can be used in a mixed or herbaceous border.
CareProvide fertile, well-drained soil with abundant organic matter in sun or part shade. Herbaceous species need full sun. Plant climbing species with the top of the root ball 3 to 5 inches below the surface and provide strong support.
PropagationDivide or take basal cuttings of herbaceous species in spring. Root softwood cuttings in spring, semi-ripe cuttings in early summer.
ProblemsWilt, powdery mildew, rust, fungal spots, and stem cankers are common. Scale insects, whiteflies, earwigs, aphids can occur.