Corydalis are lovely plants with ferny foliage and distinct flowers that are well suited to a wide range of garden habitats. The 4-petaled flowers cover a wide spectrum of colors, including blue and coral. They are unusual and tubular, and are often held perpendicular to the foliage, giving the impression of a swimming school of colorful tadpoles. The outer pair of petals has a spur with reflexed tips, and the inside pair discreetly covers the stamens.
CareDepends upon the species. Grow sun-loving species in a rock garden or in an alpine house, and shade-loving species in a woodland border or naturalized in the understory.
PropagationSow seed when fresh; germination may be erratic. Divide spring-flowering species in fall, and summer-flowering species in spring.
ProblemsDowny mildew, rust, aphids, slugs, snails; spider mites indoors.