These tender bulbs produce thick, solitary stalks bearing bottle-brush-like wands of tightly clung florets, which are crowned by tufts of green bracts. As the common name implies, these unusual and magnificent inflorescences are reminiscent of pineapples.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsThese bulbs with strap-shaped leaves are from dry screes and annually damp meadows of South Africa and tropical, southern Africa.
CarePlant bulbs 6 inches deep, in fertile, well-drained soil in full sun. In containers, plant just under the the soil level using sharp sand; water freely in active growth. In cooler climates, plant in containers for garden display and overwinter in a frost free location. They do best if dry when dormant.
PropagationSow seed in autumn or spring, or remove offsets in spring and replant.
ProblemsUsually problem free.