Midwest Plants

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    Brunnera macrophylla ‘Jack Frost’

    Brunnera macrophylla ‘Jack Frost’

    This woodland plant is valued for its flowers and its heart-shaped, ground-covering leaves.

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    Siberian bugloss

    Brunnera macrophylla

    This woodland plant is valued for its flowers and groundcovering leaves.

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    ‘Hadspen Abundance’ Japanese anemone

    Anemone hupehensis 'Hadspen Abundance'

    This plant has dark pink, two-toned flowers that occur in abundance and rise above the foliage on branched stems from August to Octover.

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    ‘Bressingham Glow’ Japanese anemone

    Anemone hupehensis var. japonica 'Bressingham Glow'

    Japanese anemones are slightly taller than the species, sometimes growing to 4 feet.

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    Astrantia major

    Masterwort produces many small, ivory flowers that are flushed pink and that bloom continuously throughout the summer and fall, wafting a sweet scent.

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    Three-flower maple

    Acer triflorum

    This broadly columnar to spreading tree has peeling brown bark, three-palmate mid-green leaves, and brilliant orange-red fall foliage.

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    Lewisia tweedyi

    Lewisia tweedyi

    This evergreen perennial has broad, lance-shaped mid-green leaves  to 4 inches long, tinted with purple and borne in basal rosettes up to 18 inches in diameter.

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    Savin juniper

    Juniperus sabina ‘Blue Forest’

    This spreading, low-growing shrub has attractive bluish-green foliage and unusual upturned branches that create the appearance of a miniature blue forest.

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    Japanese holly

    Ilex crenata

    This dense, evergreen holly reaches 6 to 10 feet tall and at least as wide.

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    ‘Bright Gem’ Tulip

    Tulipa batalinii 'Bright Gem'

    This named variety of the species has soft sulfur-yellow flowers up to 3 inches across.