Southeast Plants

  • 'Gold Band' pampas grass
    Plant Guide

    ‘Gold Band’ pampas grass

    Cortaderia selloana 'Gold Band'

    This clumping, drought-tolerant grass is one of the best pampas grasses you could grow.

  • Plant Guide

    Peruvian lily

    Alstroemeria 'Casablanca'

    'Casablanca' Peruvian lily is the closest to white that this genus has gotten as of yet.

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Gracillimus’ eulalia grass

    Miscanthus sinensis ‘Gracillimus’

    This elegantly shaped grass has narrow leaves with white mid-ribs and a vaselike form to 6 feet tall.

  • Plant Guide

    Blue beargrass tree

    Nolina nelsonii

    This yucca-like Mexican plant has bold bluish leaves to 3 feet long that have tiny serrations on the edges.

  • Plant Guide


    Carica papaya

    The papaya is a herbaceous, fast-growing shrub that grows best in tropical and subtropical climates where it will flower continually, but it will perform in colder climates from high summer…

  • Plant Guide

    Downy thorn apple

    Datura metel

    Datura metel grows 3 to 4 feet tall with large dark green leaves that have a bad smell.

  • Plant Guide

    Dwarf white-stripe

    Pleioblastus variegatus

    Dwarf white-stripe has 5-inch-long, upward-pointing green leaves strongly variegated with white.

  • Plant Guide

    Setcreasea pallida ‘Purple Heart’

    Setcreasea pallida 'Purple Heart'

    'Purple Heart' is a trailing, tender perennial with purple stems and violet-purple leaves that produces pink flowers in summer.

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Morning Light’ miscanthus

    Miscanthus sinensis ‘Morning Light’

    This beautiful grass has an "inner light" that emanates from the white midribs of its fine-textured leaf blades and the threads of white around their edges.

  • Plant Guide

    Japanese laurel

    Aucuba japonica

    Aucuba are grown for their bold foliage, autumn fruit, and adaptability to shade, dry soil, pollution, and coastal conditions.