Southeast Plants
Plant Guide
Blue pimpernel
Anagallis monellii
In summer, this colorful groundcover makes a 9-inch mound of saucer-shaped, deep blue flowers on long stalks.
Plant Guide
Wood spurge
Euphorbia amygdaloidesWood spurge is a soft, hairy, evergreen perennial with red-tinged stems and matte dark green leaves with red tones underneath.
Plant Guide
Tea-oil camellia
Camellia oleiferaThis small tree from China can reach a little over 20 feet tall and about half as wide.
Plant Guide
Fragrant snowbell
Styrax obassia
This plant is a small tree or large shrub reaching 30 feet tall and 20 feet wide.
Plant Guide
Scotch broom
Cytisus scopariusScotch broom is an upright, deciduous shrub with slender, arching shoots.
Plant Guide
‘Pink Delight’ angel’s trumpet
Brugmansia suaveolens 'Pink Delight'Foot-long, rich pink blossoms are nocturnally fragrant and pour out from narrow calyces to terminate in wide, flared openings.
Plant Guide
Cast-iron plant
Aspidistra elatiorThis is an ovate, glossy-leaved plant usually grown as a houseplant.
Plant Guide
Kunth’s maiden fern
Thelypteris kunthiiThis robust fern with graceful light green foliage on triangular fronds a foot wide grows 3 to 4 feet tall with equal spread.
Plant Guide
New Zealand wind grass
Stipa arundinaceaThis evergreen species makes a handsome specimen with narrow, arching foliage that is streaked orange in summer and becomes orange-brown in winter.
Plant Guide
Double Japanese aster
Kalimeris pinnatifidaThis upright bushy perennial has softly hairy, mid-green lower leaves to 3 inches long and lance-shaped upper leaves to 1 inch long.