Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Belinda’s garden in Ontario

The garden in June 2 WAYS TO ENLARGE! Click directly on the photo to enlarge in a pop-up, or click HERE to see this image, larger, in a new browser window  
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Belinda Mayer

Today’s photos are from Belinda Mayer inKinburn, Ontario, just outside of Ottawa. She says, “We live on a 4-acre treed lot where we make our own maple syrup.  I’ve planted mostly native plants like New England asters, dogwoods, purple-flowering raspberries, lupines, and black-eyed Susans.   Some plants, like goldenrod and ferns, I’ve transplanted from the forest. I also try to have plants that provide food for birds like wild strawberries, elderberries, and viburnums.” Beautiful, Belinda!

The garden in July
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Belinda Mayer

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View 12 comments


  1. Steepdrive 03/08/2012

    Isn't it nice to have your own nursery to transplant from? I too have raided the forest for ferns. It's on my list to transplant some holly and barberry this year. Lovely garden paths through lush plantings! I wish my astillbe would get that big.

  2. tractor1 03/08/2012

    Living right inside the forest with all the critters including the six legged beasties must be a biting experience, but still I love viewing all those plants close up and personal. And I like those maintenence free paths, they look like crushed stone nicely compacted... no mowing!

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    meander_michaele 03/08/2012

    The older I get, the more I appreciate well constructed paths that allow me to walk without worry.Belinda's paths are very welcoming especially since there are so many beautiful plants on either side to stay busy looking at.

  4. ozgoode 03/08/2012

    How nice to see a garden from this part of the world! Your garden is beautifully lush Belinda!

  5. greengrowler 03/08/2012

    As others have commented, your paths are beautiful - love the curves and the dark gray color is a great contrast to the gorgeous plants. You've succeeded in creating a lovely, naturalistic landscape - another woodland wonderland!

  6. pattyspencer 03/08/2012

    How lush is this??!! Just beautiful - I could walk those beautiful curvy pathways all day long and never get tired of the beautiful garden areas.

  7. ecotoneshabitatdesign 03/08/2012

    A lovely garden, and so nice to see native plants in the mix... nice use of crushed stone path too :). Canucks represent! lol.

  8. user-7006902 03/08/2012

    Beautiful! I love your paths that look like rivers winding through the woods. I try to plant native also. Ottawa is a beautiful city (the Tulip Festival is a trip on my list), but your garden in the woods wins hands down.

  9. terieLR 03/08/2012

    No one had to tell us to go green! The country life has my vote, hands down. I just bet you skip right off those porch steps with a smile on your face every summer morn. ;) Great mix of perennials and shrubs Belinda.

  10. tractor1 03/08/2012

    As an aside, I love the name Belinda... I think it's a typical Belizean name.

  11. riverain 03/09/2012

    I live the path and plants! What are the low growing plants on the right side of the path, under the dogwoods?

  12. birdnerd 03/10/2012

    Thanks everyone for the wonderful comments. I could spend hours walking the path and sitting on the bench just staring at the flowers. I can't wait for spring and the snow to melt.

    mjw20851 - the groundcover under the dogwoods are wild strawberies.

    tractor1 - thanks!


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