Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Bob’s rhododendrons in Pennsylvania

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Bob Stamper

Remember when I mentioned Bob Stamper last week when we featured Eva Beke’s photos from the Jeli Botanical Garden? Bob’s rhododendrons kickstarted my new love for the genus. Luckily, Bob is a GPOD reader, and that post motivated him to send in a couple of highlights from his garden.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Bob Stamper

Bob says, “Since you mentioned our garden last week, I thought you might like to see a couple pictures from this year’s display. The Zen garden has become surrounded by color which I suppose is not very Zen. But we enjoy it. The yellow rhododendron was bred by a friend of mine, John Dopple. He enjoys creating unusual colors and patterns in rhodies.” Yup. Loving them even more. Thanks, Bob!

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Bob Stamper
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Bob Stamper
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Bob Stamper
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Bob Stamper

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  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 05/29/2012

    Bob, I would find it very satisfying to sit on your bench in the Zen garden and feast my eyes on all that beautiful color. And my mind would be filled with thoughts of reflection on the magnificence of nature so I think the "Zen" gods will give you a pass during Rhodie blooming time. You certainly have some stunning varieties and what a treat to have one bred by a friend.

  2. Wife_Mother_Gardener 05/29/2012

    How magical to come upon a gravel garden in the midst of a woodland setting! I love it. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing, Bob.

  3. tractor1 05/29/2012

    I don't know much about Zen, Yin, or Yang but I do know what I like and I really like the Zing in the effect Bob created in his upper right picture, that bonsaied conifer is in harmony with the balanced blend of other tree types and plantings and with lots of space between to appreciate each and all together, all connected by that palettte of vibrant jade lawn. For me this is one with nature, Grasshoppers. Bob has a wonderful eye for harmony, thank you.

  4. M_Fox 05/29/2012

    Bob, thank you for sharing these photos. I love the idea of unusual colors on traditional plants. The yellow "rhodie" is amazing. Please pass my praise onto your friend John. This is a job well done. I saw yellow azaleas advertised on a gardening website. I live in Maryland, and I have never seen a yellow azalea. I have only seen the traditional pink / purple / white varieties. Your photos have inspired me to order a few yellow azaleas.

  5. Tomboy1950 05/29/2012

    I just returned from Portland, Oregon and spent several hours at the Japanese Garden. They have a large Zen garden there which evoked in me feelings of peace and tranquility. Looking at Bob's Zen garden I get that same feeling of peace. Bob's Zen garden may be a little lusher than the one I saw in Portland but the positive impact is the same. Wonderful job Bob.

  6. pattyspencer 05/29/2012

    The top 2 pics are so so pretty. Very peaceful - would love spending time there. The rhodies are beautiful! Wish the flowers lasted longer than they do.

  7. Blenquerrussy 02/05/2013

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