Garden Photo of the Day

Pink Muhly Grass in Tennessee

Today’s photos are from Michaele Anderson in Friendsville,Tennessee. She says, “I am always enchanted when the frothy clouds of pink show up in the fall from what I call pink muhly grass (Muhlenbergia capillaris, USDA Hardiness Zones 7-10). My growing zone here in eastern Tennessee is 6B, although I suspect I have some 7A spots since the muhly grass reseeds and gives me welcome volunteers.” Gorgeous, Michaele–this has always been on of my favorite grasses, even though I can’t grow it in Connecticut. 🙁

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Michaele Anderson

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Michaele Anderson

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Michaele Anderson

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Michaele Anderson

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  1. JulieBW 11/18/2011

    I love how grasses, in the low fall sun, capture the light and seem to glow.

  2. Kris_at_Blithewold 11/18/2011

    I had no real idea how gorgeous that grass is until we planted a few this year. It's my new all time favorite. I hope it reseeds for us too!!

  3. oldsquaw 11/18/2011

    I did not know how gorgeous this could be. Now I have to find room for it in my 7A garden, currently being scoured by high winds.

  4. shirleyjean 11/18/2011

    I live in zone 8a, in the Texas Hill Country. We have a Mediterranean Climate. Sandy, rocky soil, very HOT and dry in summer and Cold in the winter. I WISH I could grow the Pink Muhly grass!!! It would be perfect. Where I live I do not get enough sun except in a few small spots to grow flowers, so I depend on colored leaves and stems to give me the color I so crave!

  5. JTitus 11/18/2011

    I am in the process of planting a bed with pinks, whites, and purples. I will definitely have to look for that pink grass. I would fill in and soften my bed. Thanks for sharing. I love it.

  6. Wife_Mother_Gardener 11/18/2011

    I just saw a fantastic combo with this grass and Verbena rigida. (

    Beautiful photos. It looks like a very well designed garden. Great job!

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    meander_michaele 11/18/2011

    I appreciate the positive comments about my displays of muhly grass. FYI...I don't cut it back as early in the spring as I do my other ornamental grasses since it is marginally hardy for where I live. I think that helps it self insulate and also explains the reseeding. It seems happiest planted near hardscape like rocks and brick pavers where the micro climate is probably 7A.
    Thanks to Wife_Mother_Gardener for making mention of the Rhone Street Gardens website. He has wonderful pictures and takes them in such a way as to really focus attention on foliage and colors. I have a Verbena rigida plant that has vibrantly purple blooms as opposed to the soft pink shown in the Rhone Street photo...I think either would look wonderful with the muhly grass. I need to keep that combo in mind for next season's tweakings.

  8. perenniallycrazy 11/19/2011

    Wow, "cotton candy" in the garden! I must find myself one of these.

  9. petuniababi 11/21/2011

    I had no idea grasses could be this gorgeous!!! Good job.

  10. garebear 11/21/2011

    Michaele invited me to visit her garden. Breathtaking!! After that visit I planted 175' of Pink Muhly Grass all along the lake's edge (rip rap) in my backyard. This is the first season it has been in and is exploding. It is magnificent. Easy to grow and easy to care for. Thank you Michaele.

  11. grandmajet120 01/13/2012

    This is beautiful I just ordered the pink grass for spring. Does anyone know what is the white grass on the right? thanks

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