Garden Photo of the Day

The Rose Queen

By Alexandra Dittrich

Teresa Byington loves to dig in the dirt. She gets plenty of opportunities to do just that as she cares for her large cottage garden that consists of about 200 roses. She is a master gardener, and an active member of the American Rose Society, currently serving as editor of the ARS national newsletter, Roses and You. In addition, she is the Vice President of the Indianapolis Rose Society. She also serves as juror at the Biltmore International Rose Trials and is co-host to the Rose Chat Podcast. Her blog,, tells of her adventures in gardening and in life.

Teresa’s garden is a large cottage garden that weaves together her love of roses and their companions. Roses (from Hybrid Tea to Old Garden Roses) grow alongside annuals, herbs, shrubs, trees, perennials, and a few veggies in this garden. Fences, arbors, and gates add support and additional cottage charm.  

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View 53 comments


  1. frankgreenhalgh 08/10/2016

    G'day Teresa - As I sit here on our deck in Metung, Victoria, Australia on a sunny late winter day, and read your post I swear I can smell the roses - even though ours are dormant and won't be at their peak of flowering until early November i.e. at the time of the famous Melbourne Cup (the horse race that literally stops a nation) where there is always a magnificent display of roses.

    What a lovely cottage garden you have created, and yes master gardener is a good description of your talent. Thanks for sharing.

    1. tbrose 08/10/2016

      Thank you Frank! Spring is coming soon for you!

  2. diane_lasauce 08/10/2016

    Woo Hoo Teresa. Glad that you finally posted to GPOD!
    FYI GPOD readers, Teresa and I are garden pals who met back in 2013 while guests of P Allen Smith (of TV fame). Allen found our garden blogs and invited us and 18 others from around the country to visit his Moss Mountain Farm outside Little Rock, AR. Two great days with Allen where long lasting friendships began. Teresa is a rose devotee and cherished friend. Make sure you visit her blog...

  3. User avater
    meander_michaele 08/10/2016

    Uhh Oh...I can already tell that I am going to lose some of my day to playing catch-up at your blog, Teresa. It's delightfully written and filled with beautiful photographs and videos. Although roses are your special passion, you seem to have a blessed green thumb with all the other complimentary plants aa well. I see from your blog that your husband is a talented woodworker...did he make the graceful curved top gate and trellis/pergola in photo#1?
    Have any of your roses ever gotten infected with that horrible rose rosette disease? I'm not much of a rose planter but I dipped my toe in the waters with a grouping of 'Knockout' roses...well, you can guess how this story ended for me...that UGLY rosette thing happened to most of them. Is there a secret to avoiding it? Your roses look healthy, perfect, thriving, and oh, so beautiful.

    1. frankgreenhalgh 08/10/2016

      Hey Ginger - how cute is Michael Phelp's son, boomer? He is a little ripper. I wonder if Michael knows that a boomer in Oz is a kangaroo. Also, our men's basketball team is called the Boomers. Your dream team is finding out how much spring they have in their step right at the moment (half time). Cheers, Frank

      1. User avater
        meander_michaele 08/10/2016

        I'll bet Michael would get a kick out of the double meaning for son's nickname. In one of the background segments NBC put together, they showed the little baby already in the pool with his dad.

    2. frankgreenhalgh 08/10/2016

      Greetings Ginger - I'm a bit surprised that nobody has touched the Melbourne Cup comment. FYI it really is an exciting and fun day, and even though it looks like many of you guys are not fans of roses, the display of roses on the day is exceptional. Cheers from Oz.

      1. User avater
        meander_michaele 08/10/2016

        Hi, Frank ,interesting info about your Melbourne Cup... seems like roses and horse races go together all over the world. Our own very prestigious Kentucky Derby is often known as The Run for the Roses and the winning horse gets adorned in a blanket of over 500 red roses. One of my favorite nostalgic songs is Dan Fogelberg's Run for the Roses and a line that has stayed with me is "It's a chance of a lifetime in a lifetime of chance". It's about a foal who grows up to be a contender in the Derby. In fact, that makes me want to go to Youtube and see if I can find it and listen to it again.

        Back in my horseshoeing days, my horse and I won a garland of "silk" roses...

        1. frankgreenhalgh 08/10/2016

          Very interesting indeed Ginger. Looking 'hot' in the pic.

          1. User avater
            meander_michaele 08/11/2016

            Well, there was many a time that I was literally "hot", indeed, since those 3 piece riding outfits were usually made of wool and summertime horseshow temps in the southeast would be in the mid to high 90's. Now that I think about it, my husband and I must have been crazy to do that as a hobby.

      2. Cenepk10 08/10/2016

        That's so cool !!!!! I love roses. I grow plenty. Thanks for posting !!!!

        1. frankgreenhalgh 08/11/2016

          Hi Cenepk10 - no probs., looks like many don't like the upkeep that goes with roses.

          1. Cenepk10 08/11/2016

            They do eat a lot :). They're worth the trouble to me- I deadhead almost everything anyway- no biggie.

    3. tbrose 08/12/2016

      My husband did make the wooden structures! He is a great blessing for many reasons and one of them is how his woodworking talent fits so perfectly with my love of cottage gardens! ? Through the years I have only seen 3 cases of RRD. I immediately removed and destroyed the plant. For more information on RRD visit this FB page...

  4. NCYarden 08/10/2016

    Beautiful. Admittedly I have always been a little intimidated by roses. I grow just a couple, and happy they do as well as they do. Yours however are amazing. You certainly have the knack. I look forward to perusing your blog a little later. Thank you for sharing.

    1. tbrose 08/12/2016

      Thank you! Each year the rose companies are releasing more and more easy care roses. I talk about many of them on the blog. Take a look, there might be a few more you could have in your area! ?

  5. Quiltingmamma 08/10/2016

    Wow. I have to agree with Frank - I can just smell the roses from here. One regret in my Ottawa zone 4a-b (Canadian) is the challenge of growing traditional roses that still have a scent. Most of mine are Canada hardy roses with little 'rose' about them. The whole cottage garden photo has just transported me out of my office and into my version of 'heaven'. thanks for sharing.

    1. tbrose 08/12/2016

      Hello! Glad you enjoyed the pictures. For the last 5 years I have had the opportunity to test new roses for several companies. Many of them are beautiful and easy care. You will find pictures on my blog. Best of luck with your roses! ?

  6. user-4691082 08/10/2016

    My roses are covered in Japanese beetles. My leaves are tattered. I've heard of rose rosette disease and I don't even know if I have it! I try to spray with insecticidal soap, but I can't keep up?. I'll be heading over to your blog...and I am jealous of you and Diane! Thanks for posting!

    1. frankgreenhalgh 08/10/2016

      Hi Rhonda - Rose rosette disease is caused by a newly identified virus (rose rosette virus) which is transmitted by the rose leaf curl mite - so control of the mite is critical. As far as I know we don't have it in Australia - and we don't want it either (hence the importance of plant biosecurity in this country). The major disease problem that I have is black spot. Cheers, Frank

      1. tbrose 08/12/2016

        Facebook site for identification of Rose Rosette Disease and the latest findings... There is so much on the web about RRD that is not correct. This FB site is done by those doing the actual research. Best of luck!

    2. diane_lasauce 08/10/2016

      Rhonda, I have yet to actually visit Teresa's fabulous gardens, as she resides in Indiana and I am in VA, yet we stay close via photos, blogs, and FB. One day...

    3. Cenepk10 08/10/2016

      Well- no rain here- but I havent seen a single japanese beetle. Of course- here in Ga- the come in June. They must've all gone to your garden. Sorry to read that....

    4. tbrose 08/12/2016

      Rhonda, Japanese Beetles come and go. Hopefully your season with them will be short. Rose Rosette disease is quite different, if you find it in your garden, remove the rose at once. To learn to identify RRD and find out what is going on with research, there is a FB page where the experts on RRD keep us updated as new things are revealed.( Insecticidal soap is great for "discouraging" small insects and especially aphids!

  7. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 08/10/2016

    I'm not a fan of roses in my garden, but I love roses in the gardens of others. Looks great and I bet the fragrances of the old garden roses are simply amazing! Looks great and love the iris in the garden, too.

    1. diane_lasauce 08/10/2016

      Tim, I am with you. I only host one very old floribunda here in my garden. The other one I gave away to my rose neighbor...there are those who adore the rose, and those who enjoy other's roses...personally, I never liked their "neediness" nor thorns.

      1. User avater
        Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 08/10/2016

        I'm definitely casting a discerning eye toward anything super-needy in the garden these days. I'm blessed to have a public garden just up the street, happily named Park of Roses. It's chock full of new roses and old roses and it's pure delight to see how crazily different each rose smells. And best of all, someone else takes care of them!! :)

        1. diane_lasauce 08/10/2016

          I am with you Tim.
          Our college town is now building a botanic garden that I so look forward to. Have you ever visited Portland, Oregon's Rose gardens...just above are the famous Japanese Gardens, where I was lucky to wander in the early '70's.

          1. User avater
            Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 08/10/2016

            I've never been to Portland. Definitely on my list. I knew about the Japanese Gardens, but not the rose garden. Thanks for the tip!

        2. NCYarden 08/10/2016

          Agreed. I'm even at the point of yanking the current knockouts, which seem to be fading on their own anyway, as the other more exciting plants are dominating. Between the JC Raulston Arboretum and the Raleigh Rose Garden (most impressive), don't really need them in mine.

          1. User avater
            Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 08/10/2016

            It really does seem to be either one is a rose person with a garden devoted to roses, or a gardener that appreciates them from afar.

        3. tbrose 08/10/2016

          Don't be afraid to take a look at some of the newer varieties. They are much easier than you think. On my blog I often report on the ones doing the best with the least care.

    2. tbrose 08/12/2016

      In the early spring when the old roses and the rugosas are blooming their first flush, there is nothing like that fragrance.

  8. sheila_schultz 08/10/2016

    Teresa, there is something almost otherworldly about your first photo. I immediately felt that if walked through the gate I would be transported into a very magical world. In truth, I think I would be right... your roses are incredibly special and I'm not even a rose fan! I think that early on I thought they would need more loving care and time than I had in me, and looking at your photos I was probably right... but what a payback! You certainly chose the right family of plants to fall in love with!

    1. tbrose 08/10/2016

      Thank you Sheila. They pay back with great dividends!

  9. Cenepk10 08/10/2016

    Oh Mah Lord !!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't .... Just can't tell you what this does for my spirit ...... Absolutely GORGEOUS My favorite garden style... My favorite plants roses My heart thanks you for sharing.....

    1. tbrose 08/10/2016

      You are most welcome. They bring me much joy!

  10. Cenepk10 08/10/2016

    How do you water ? Curious.....

    1. tbrose 08/12/2016

      Most of the roses are hand watered. I have a few on a drip system. We hope to increase the drip system in time but for now only a few.

  11. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 08/10/2016

    Once again, by the time that I get to this site on the west coast, you've all said what I'm thinking. We got turned off to growing roses in our WI garden where the Japanese beetles were abundant. You have my sympathies, Rhonda. My husband is the Rose grower in our family but like many of you, I love to look at them in someone else's garden. Even though we do not have Jap. Beetles here in WA ...yet, there are plenty of other pests to attack the roses. Teresa, you seem to have found the magic formula for making a rose garden successful . Your pairings set them off beautifully and you've created a wonderful atmosphere of peacefulness. I can't wait to check out your blog.

    1. tbrose 08/12/2016

      Hello Linda, our "crop" of Japanese Beetles has been greatly reduced the last 3 years. We used to have thousands. As with all gardening experiences there are season of almost perfect and seasons that challenge. Currently we are dealing with heat and drought. Gardening is always interesting and rewarding!

  12. views_opinion 08/10/2016

    Rose is a soulful flower.

    1. tbrose 08/12/2016

      It sure is. One filled with history, beauty and fragrance!

  13. DarliBarli 08/10/2016

    Congratulations on turning your passion into such a gorgeous garden. I, too, love roses, but after moving here to Bowling green KY a after gardening for years on Vancouver Island, I am finding roses don't much like the high temps and humidity, except for a few sturdy wash-and-wear types. Seeing your lovely garden makes me homesick. I plan to visit your blog soon, Just in case you post a few more lovely pictures.

    1. User avater
      meander_michaele 08/10/2016

      You will see so many super gorgeous pictures of roses on her blog..they'll make your head and heart about burst with envy and/or admiration!

      1. tbrose 08/12/2016

        Thanks! So glad you enjoyed. It is my pleasure to share.

    2. tbrose 08/10/2016

      I post pictures all the time! Best of luck with your roses!

  14. user-7008204 08/10/2016

    Knowing the names of these beautiful roses would be so lovely.

    1. tbrose 08/12/2016

      Hello Raya, On the blog you will find names for these roses by the pictures as they appear. Glad you enjoy them!

  15. eddireid 08/10/2016

    Oh! Goody! Another wonderful blog to enjoy - thank you Teresa! Your hadn't is romantically beautiful and I now know who can answer rose questions. How I love GPOD.

    1. tbrose 08/12/2016

      Thanks Eddi. I am happy to help.

  16. ginovandenberg 08/12/2016

    Very Informative post Teresa. We'd love for you to have a look at our website in case if you are looking for specific plant information, ideal spots, planting dept. and much more. Hope to hear from you if you have any questions!

  17. bsavage 08/12/2016

    Wow! So beautiful!!!

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