Developed by the National Arboretum, 'Teton' pyracantha has a striking upright form, reaching 12 feet tall or more, and orange to golden yellow fruit. It is also resistant to fireblight and scab. Less hardy than some other cultivars, only to Zone 6.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsAbundant, golden fruit. Fireblight and scab resistant.
CareFertile, well-drained soil in full sun or part shade.
PropagationSow seed in a cold frame in autumn, or root semi-ripe cuttings in summer with bottom heat.
ProblemsSpider mites, lacebug, caterpillars, scale insects, aphids, dieback, and wilt can cause problems.
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- Genus : Pyracantha
- Plant Height : 10 to 15 feet
- Plant Width : 10 to 15 feet
- Zones : 6, 7, 8, 9
- Moisture : Adaptable
- Bloom Time : Early Summer, Summer
- Light : Full Sun to Partial Shade
- Growth Rate : Moderate
- Maintenance : Moderate
- Characteristics : Showy Fruit
- Plant Type : Shrubs
- Plant Seasonal Interest : Summer Interest
- Flower Color : White
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