Videos - Page 27 of 47 - Fine Gardening
How to Prune a Shrub Rose
Troubleshooting Tomato Problems
Learn how to troubleshoot and prune tomatoes with this step-by-step video by the editors of Fine Gardening. Here's a list of actions you should take if trouble strikes your plants.…
Dealing with Thrips Damage
A supplement to the 2013 edition of Common Sense Pest Control from Taunton Press.
Control Spider Mites With Beneficial Mites
You’re ready to try a more sustainable method of pest control and have purchased some beneficial mite eggs to release onto a plant infested with spider mites. How do you…
The Helpful Green Lacewing
Green lacewings are slender, bright, green-bodied flies that have massive appetites and use their big, sickle-shaped mouthparts to consume soft-bodied insects like aphids, thrips, white flies, and spider mites, as…
Plant Spring Containers Months in Advance
Fall is the time to plant bulbs, and they look amazing in garden beds and borders. Yet did you ever think you could plant your bulbs in containers before the…
Trick Plants with Different Needs into Sharing a Pot
This video is brought to you by Osmocote.
Never Forget a Plant’s Name Again
As a gardener, you may find yourself forgetting what plants you put into your containers. It’s even more frustrating when you want to replant them but can’t remember what they…