Videos - Page 29 of 47 - Fine Gardening
How to Divide Peonies
You seldom hear someone complain about a big, fragrant peony blooming in spring. You often hear, however, gardeners bemoaning the retail price of a new peony plant. The good news…
How to Prune Highbush Blueberries
In this video, David Handley, a vegetable and small fruit specialist for the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, explains what to look for when pruning highbush blueberries. He demonstrates…
Make a Hydrangea Wreath
How to Make a Straw-Bale Garden
Why build a straw-bale garden? For starters, it’s the perfect solution if you only have a small space to garden. This whole concept was fairly straightforward and comes together easily.…
How to Plant a Viburnum
Due to their hardiness and many seasons of interest, viburnums are increasingly popular in home landscapes. Executive editor Danielle Sherry shows you how to get your viburnum off to a…
Drip-Irrigation Basics
Steve Aitken, Fine Gardening's editor at large, explains the components and shows you how to assemble them into a custom system you can deploy to bring water directly to your…
Build a Garden Shed
Fine Gardening asked the experts at Fine Homebuilding to design and build a garden shed that was a little different. From the solid plank floors to the timber-frame look, we…
Basic Pruning Tools
New to pruning? Antonio Reis, assistant editor at Fine Gardening magazine, shows you the tools you’ll need to get started maintaining your trees and shrubs. There’s no need to spend…
Kitchen Gardening
Seed Starting: Basics and Equipment
If you've never started seeds before, check out these videos to learn some of the basics of getting your seedlings off to the best possible start. When is the right…