Kiss My Aster
Kiss My Aster
I Got 99 Problems But A Birch Ain’t One
Paper birch trees aren't super successful here, it's too dang hot. Why do they die and what do you do with them when they are dead, you may ask...
Kiss My Aster
National Call-Out-Sick-From-Work-To-Stay-Home-And-Pull-Garlic-Mustard-Before-It-Goes-To-Seed Day
This Friday is National Call-Out-Sick-From-Work-To-Stay-Home-And-Pull-Garlic-Mustard-Before-It-Goes-To-Seed Day. So start thinking up your excuses now people, because those things are about to BLOW.
Kiss My Aster
The Taming of the Yew
Everyone I talk to is all "Ew, I HATE those" when I talk about Yews. But I think they have worth-- But some are not sure it's worth this particular…
Kiss My Aster
First Contact
I'm trying to raise a kid that loves being outside and in the dirt as much as I do...
Kiss My Aster
Yet Another Reason to Love Cactii
I'm moving today, wrapping everything up, including a my plants. The roses were a pain to move, as are the giant soil-filled containers... but you know what's a piece of…
Kiss My Aster
An Adult Love Letter to Adult Ivy
Are you familiar with Adult Ivy? It's more mature and sophisticated, naturally. Here's a slightly naughty love letter that explains its virtues....
Kiss My Aster
Terrariums Gone Wrong
I had this great idea to make terrariums out of stuff I'm long on, mainly baby food jars, but somewhere it went horribly wrong.