Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports
Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports
Designing a Unique Garden Fence
Fences are to landscapes as dental plans are to general health insurance in the United States—crucial to the integrity of the whole but treated like a stand-alone issue until something…
Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports
Plants That Can Anchor a Landscape
While omitting anchor plants won’t cause your garden to up and float away, it can make conceptualizing your design more difficult and lead to a space that lacks good form…
Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports
Plants for a Woodland Garden with Fall and Winter Interest
Come fall, blooms have turned to seedpods and the weather has turned brisk, but the garden can still be beautiful. For many plants, particularly those on a forest’s edge, it…
Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports
Evergreen Vines Add Privacy and Soften Edges
Mystery and romance are two words that come to mind when thinking of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. It’s mysterious in that its existence is only known through descriptions in…
Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports
How to Use Compost in the Garden to Combat Intense Heat and Drought
There is no way to sugarcoat the challenges many of us in the Mid-Atlantic region have faced this summer. The inconsistency of rainfall and the extreme high temperatures have greatly…
Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports
Native Plants for Summer Interest in the Mid-Atlantic
American Dittany Cunila origanoides Zones: 5–8 Size: 10 to 18 inches tall and wide Conditions: Full sun to partial shade; well-drained soil Native range: Central and eastern United States American…
Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports
How to Grow Annual Sunflowers for Pollinators and Wildlife
As we enter the dog days of summer, many of us are buzzing about with trips to the beach, firing up the old grill, and celebrating our country’s independence. In…
Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports
Rose Growing Basics
The proverb “Beauty is only skin deep,” written by Thomas Overbury in 1613, is intended to encourage one to look beyond external physical beauty and discover what is hidden under…
Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports
Peony Growing Basics for the Mid-Atlantic
As one of the most unmistakable and recognizable flowers in the world, the peony has been revered for its enduring beauty and fragrance for centuries. It is believed that these…
Mid-Atlantic Regional Reports
Plants That Take Sun and Shade for the Mid-Atlantic
1. Virgin’s Bower Name: Clematis virginiana Zones: 3–8 Size: 12 to 20 feet tall and 3 to 6 feet wide Conditions: Full sun to full shade; average to wet,…