Southwest Regional Reports

  • white Madagascar periwinkle
    Southwest Regional Reports

    Growing Periwinkle in the Southwest

    When most of us think about periwinkle, we either think of a vine or a ground cover. Here in the Southwest, it is extremely common to find another version of…

  • downed tree limbs from winter storm
    Southwest Regional Reports

    Recovering Your Garden After a Winter Storm in the Southern Plains

    Your electricity is back on, you’re no longer flushing toilets with melted snow, and it’s no longer 15 degrees colder than the coldest day of your life. Congratulations—you’ve made it…

  • Finger aloe
    Southwest Regional Reports

    South African Standouts for Southern California

    South Africa has a few similarities with Southern California. Both are hot spots of biodiversity. South Africa, like California, is recognized as a floristic province. That means that both have…

  • Desert rose blooms
    Southwest Regional Reports

    Desert Rose for the Southwest

    Desert rose (Adenium obesum, Zones 10b–12) is a slow-growing succulent that delivers beautifully deep pink blooms throughout the summer in the Southwest. You can now find hybrids that have orange,…

  • big muhlies
    Southwest Regional Reports

    How to Selectively Prune Muhly Grasses in the Southern Plains

    I’m a big fan of using muhly grasses (Muhlenbergia spp. and cvs., Zones 5–11) in Southern Plains gardens. They are native to our region, and their size and salient features…

  • White Mistflower
    Southwest Regional Reports

    Great Native Plants for the Southern Plains

    Growing native plants is the gardening equivalent of having your cake and eating it too. Not only are these plants beautiful and more likely to thrive in your landscape, they…

  • Echeverias
    Southwest Regional Reports

    Enchanting Echeverias for the Southwest

    Echeverias (Echeveria spp. and cvs., Zones 9–11) are beloved by many gardeners for their beautiful colors and textures. They are rose-shaped succulents that are not only drought resistant but also…

  • half rotted compost
    Southwest Regional Reports

    How to Make Great Compost in the Southern Plains

    One of the secrets to a successful, productive garden is compost. Although you can buy commercial compost in bags or in bulk from gardening stores, it’s easy and enjoyable to…

  • Island alum root
    Southwest Regional Reports

    Native Plants for Southern California Pollinators

    Winter is a great time to add new plants to your garden, and what better to add than California natives? California natives have evolved with our local weather conditions, soil,…

  • Tangerine Beauty crossvine
    Southwest Regional Reports

    Winter-Flowering Vines for the Southwest

    Flowering vines make such a beautiful addition to any fence, landscape, or container. The options are varied in the Southwest, but even in winter you can enjoy some vibrant blooms…