Southwest Regional Reports

  • Southwest Regional Reports

    Southwest May Garden To-Do List

    Welcome to May in the Southwest. With social distancing and so much staying at home, we’re sure everyone’s gardens are getting the attention they need. But in case you still…

  • Southwest Regional Reports

    Southern Plains May Garden To-Do List

    Harvest your vegetables and cut flowers. After all of the hard work you put into planting your spring garden, don’t forget to enjoy the harvest. By now your garden is…

  • Southwest Regional Reports

    Southern California May Garden To-Do List

    Plant a perennial vine. Vines can provide an abundance of color and shade in the garden and are perfect for small spaces. If you have an unsightly fence or wall,…

  • Southwest Regional Reports

    Native Wildflowers for the Southwest

    If you’re lucky enough to live in the Southwest in early spring, not only will you enjoy amazing weather, but you’ll see that wildflowers are popping up everywhere—yards, traffic medians,…

  • Southwest Regional Reports

    Favorite Tools in My SoCal Garden

    My father was a master carpenter, probably before that term existed. His single-car garage held every sort of tool imaginable, and he was very fond of telling us that we…

  • Southwest Regional Reports

    Beautiful Heirloom Crinums for Southern Plains Gardens

    If you’ve ever walked through an old cemetery yard in the Southern Plains, you’ve likely seen crinum lilies (Crinum spp. and cvs., Zones 8–10). Crinums, which aren’t true lilies but…

  • Southwest Regional Reports

    April Garden To-Do List for the Southern Plains

    April is a great time to plant your spring vegetable garden if you haven’t already. If you live in the more northern reaches of the Southern Plains, April is likely…

  • Southwest Regional Reports

    April Garden To-Do List for the Southwest

    Plant or transplant cacti. This is a great time to start planting cacti and succulents and to start transplanting perennials, but be sure to increase your watering routine as temperatures…

  • Southwest Regional Reports

    April Garden To-Do List for Southern California

    Clean out containers. Before you start a mad rush of buying new plants this month, get your old pots ready for reuse. Plants need every advantage you can give them,…

  • Southwest Regional Reports

    Running Out of Room? Go Vertical!

    We live in a time when people are choosing to downsize their large homes and expansive yards into smaller, more manageable spaces. Whether due to aging, wanting to reduce their…