Southwest Regional Reports

  • Southwest Regional Reports

    Gardening Gift Ideas for Southwestern Gardeners

    The holidays are upon us, so what better way to celebrate than with some garden-related gifts for your favorite gardener, or even for yourself? Here are our top five gift…

  • Southwest Regional Reports

    The Wonderful World of Air Plants

    Air plants (Tillandsia spp., Zones 10–12) are beautiful little creatures, though they intimidate many plant lovers. They have become quite trendy over the past few years, and you can’t look…

  • Southwest Regional Reports

    Nut Trees for the Southern Plains

    Compared to those living in more northern regions, we here in the Southern Plains are relatively limited in our selection of nut trees. Luckily for us, our best nut-bearing tree…

  • Southwest Regional Reports

    Reflecting on Mirror Plants

    The mirror plant (Coprosma spp. and cvs., Zones 8–11) has several stunning varieties, but they all share some characteristics, foremost being that they are colorful plants native to the coastal…

  • Southwest Regional Reports

    Fragrant Blooms for the Low Desert

    When most people think of the low desert, sweet smells aren’t the first thing that pops into their minds. Typically, we’d think of cacti, palo verdes (Parkinsonia spp. and cvs.,…

  • chilli thrips damage
    Southwest Regional Reports

    Pest Alert: Chilli Thrips

    The chilli thrip (Scirtothrips dorsalis) has become a serious problem in Southern California. This is a small insect native to Southeast Asia that has made its way to the United…

  • Southwest Regional Reports

    Gorgeous Vines for Shade and Privacy

    Gardeners are often looking to create areas of shade and privacy in their gardens. Flowering vines are a beautiful way to do both. Arbors, fences, and trellises can be made…

  • Southwest Regional Reports

    How to Handle Microclimates Within Your Yard

    Microclimates can pose unique challenges as you plan for and maintain your yard and gardens. Although not all challenges are a bad thing, they can be expensive. For those of…

  • Southwest Regional Reports

    How to Support the Monarch Migration

    While monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) can be found in most of the United States at some point in their migration, those of us living in the Southern Plains states are…

  • Southwest Regional Reports

    Regional Picks: Short Plants – Southern Plains

    See regional picks for short plants, and read the article by Steve Aitken for even more ideas. “As I began amassing countless short varieties, only some of which worked in…