Garden Photo of the Day

Spice Up Containers With More Than Just Plants

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
Click here to enlarge this photo.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

Along with being a master at combining plants, Minnesota garden designer Scott Endres also knows his way around a container, as you’ll see in the next three days. In today’s example, he’s created a miniature landscape of succulents in a low dish, but he doesn’t stop with plants. He’s also added a small sculpture, some shiny black marbles, and a few seashells. It all adds up to a fascinating tableau that’s a sure conversation piece on his back patio.

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View 6 comments


  1. user-7006895 08/31/2010

    I really love this container and did something smaller with succulents this year but the squirrels dug it all up and ate the succulents. I especially like the addtion of the shells.

  2. perennialpal 08/31/2010

    this is it!

  3. Deanneart 08/31/2010

    Very creative and beautifully composed container! love it

  4. SassyNancy 08/31/2010

    Absolutely stunning composition: foliage, texture, and the unexpected!

  5. CristinaGardens 08/31/2010

    Succulents artfully done...gorgeous!

  6. sheilaschultz 08/31/2010

    Oh Scott... we could have so much fun doing containers together! Your ability to create paintings with plants makes me smile. Thank you.

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