Agriculture - Page 3 of 5 - Fine Gardening

  • Spineless Hedgehog™ aloe, Retro Succulents® Carmine™ aloe, Tree aeonium, mistletoe cactus, Cochineal nopal cactus, QIS Orange gomphrena, feather grass and Acapulco Orange hyssop in a brown container

    Pick a Color, Any Color

    Last spring, we challenged our readers to design a container that featured a single color. Whether you have a passion for purple, a yen for yellow, or an obsession for…

  • potting soil spilling out of a container

    Potting Soil Put to the Test

    In their natural environment, plants get everything they need to stay healthy from the soil: water, nutrients, and air. Most well-established plants living in soil rarely need more than an…

  • Article

    Grow Tomatoes Vertically to Enhance Your Harvest

    Tomatoes are delicious, abundant, and easy to love, but the plants on which they grow can be a challenge. Left to their own devices, tomato plants will sprawl over the…

  • How-To

    Our Favorite Varieties of Cucumbers

    Many people wouldn’t dream of a garden without cucumbers. Fortunately for gardeners and food lovers, there are several cucumber varieties to choose from. One of the oldest agricultural crops, cucumbers…

  • Man standing next to a potted tree on a hand truck, examining the label

    How to Buy a Tree

    Trees are generally the priciest and most permanent plants gardeners will buy in their lifetime, so most of us want to ensure that the one we select at the nursery…

  • Design

    7 Beekeeping Myths

    Beekeeping is a fascinating and rewarding hobby, which benefits both the beekeeper and the local environment. Honeybees help pollinate garden plants as well as plants that provide food for wildlife.…

  • Article

    How to Grow Potatoes in a Tower

    Potatoes are versatile, delicious, and rich in vitamins. And if you’re able to grow them successfully, the harvest can keep for the entire winter (something not even tasty tomatoes can…

  • Kitchen Gardening

    An Easy Approach to Espalier

    My clients often tell me that they would like to grow fruit trees but don’t because they lack the space. Others complain about a fence that needs to be broken…

  • Article

    Setting the Record Straight on Glyphosate

    Every summer, I pull weeds from the gravel under our deck, and last summer was no exception. First, I pulled the big weeds, then I began pulling the smaller ones.…

  • How-To

    A Different Approach to Crop Rotation

    If you grew carrots, tomatoes, and beans this year, you’ll want to add a reminder to your to-do list next spring: Rotate. Crop rotation is a practice whereby gardeners plan…