Combinations - Page 3 of 5 - Fine Gardening
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Easy Does It™ rose
Rosa 'HARpageant' 'Easy Does It'™This Floribunda rose was the 2010 All-America Rose Selections winner.
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Secret’s Out!™ rose
Rosa 'WITharoma'This Hybrid Tea rose offers creamy white flowers which open to release a sweet rose fragrance.
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Leucanthemella serotinaThis late-blooming perennial is a go-to for shots of crisp white and happy yellow in the fall garden.
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Volcanic sorrel
Oxalis vulcanicola 'Zinfandel'
The old-fashioned shamrock houseplant is now high fashion.
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Variegated Japanese silver grass
Miscanthus sinensis 'Variegatus'
Variegated Japanese silver grass is a boon in any garden where fine texture, a gentle color scheme, and a bit of swaying in the wind are welcome.
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Chinese hardy orchid
Bletilla striata and cvs.The first time you see a Chinese hardy orchid flowering you kind of rub your eyes: Did a garden fairy drop her corsage after the prom?
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Mini Penny™ hydrangea
Hydrangea macrophylla Mini Penny™This re-blooming mophead features inflorescences ranging 4-6 inches wide.
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‘Fireworks’ purple fountain grass
Pennisetum ‘Fireworks’This is a refreshing new look to an old-time favorite ornamental grass.
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Flower Carpet® Scarlet rose
Rosa × ‘NOA83100B’Each bush is covered in a masses of scarlet red blooms from late spring thru fall.
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Flower Carpet® Pink Supreme
Rosa × ‘NOA168098F’Each bush is covered in a mass explosion of vivid pink blooms all summer long.