Composting - Page 2 of 3 - Fine Gardening
Kitchen Gardening
Build Your Own Wheelie Bin Composter
This composter turns a garbage bin into a moveable compost machine.
Build Your Own Classic Compost Bin
This compost bin design has been popular for years. It features convenient removable sides and maximum air circulation.
Demystifying Compost: More Composting Questions Answered
Get the real scoop on your common questions
Hot Composting vs. Cold Composting
Hot composting is faster but requires attention to keep carbon and nitrogen in the optimum ratio
Building a Compost Bin
Easy to assemble and disassemble, this bin can adapt to the size of your compost pile
Kitchen Gardening
Composting Made Easy
Jodie Colon, compost educator at Bronx Green-Up, demonstrates how to mix dead, dry leaves and stems; fresh, moist green plant materials; and food scraps in a heap for easy composting.…
All You Should Know About Compost
Composting is a common practice among gardeners who want their soil to be healthy and nutrient-rich. Composting is the natural process of recycling organic matter, such as food waste or…
Build a Compost Pile to Suit Your Style
There's a composting method to suit everyone's lifestyle.
Kitchen Gardening
The Victory Garden Composter
A compost bin is simply essential in your garden. This two-bin design is simple, efficient, and won't break your budget to make.
Kitchen Gardening
DIY Food Composter
Here's an easy to make pest-proof food scrap digester/composter.