Disease Prevention - Fine Gardening
Preventing and Fighting Webworms in the Garden
Fans of the 1998 remake of the movie The Parent Trap with Dennis Quaid and Lindsay Lohan probably remember this signature line: “Meredith, do you want the 411, the information,…
Managing Powdery Mildew in the Southeast
Powdery mildew can show up in a variety of plants in the Southeast, including trees, shrubs, perennials, and vegetables. The high humidity that we experience in the Southeast provides just…
Simple Steps to Prevent Powdery Mildew
If you grow common vegetable garden crops -- like beans, peas, squash, pumpkins, melons and cucumbers –- you might see a powdery white coating on leaves and stems during the…
35 Pest and Disease Remedies
by Sharon Lovejoy I’ve found that awareness and a quick response are two of the best allies against garden foes. By knowing my plants, as well as their pests and…
10 Ways to Keep Your Garden Healthy
Learn how to eliminate plant diseases by understanding and managing the conditions that cause them