Dried Flower - Page 11 of 12 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Common sage
Salvia officinalisCooks and gardeners alike are indebted to this classic, evergreen perennial for the unique, pungent flavor and aroma that its gray-green leaves produce.
Plant Guide
Plume grass
Saccharum arundinaceumIn late summer, this large, clump-forming species bears huge plumes of delicate pink flower clusters, which eventually fade to silver.
Plant Guide
Purple fountain grass
Pennisetum x advena 'Rubrum'This tropical annual produces mounds of narrow burgundy-red foliage and purple plumes to 1 foot long.
Plant Guide
Fountain grass
Pennisetum alopecuroides
This species produces 2- to 5-foot-tall mounds of narrow green foliage and bottle brush-like silvery-pink to purple flowers, both of which mature to shades of brown.
Plant Guide
Lindheimer’s muhly
Muhlenbergia lindheimeriThis beautiful warm-season grass produces attractive, pale purplish-gray plumes in autumn and goes dormant in the cold season.
Plant Guide
Sea lavender
Limonium latifolium
Sea lavender is a rosette-forming perennial with mid- to dark-green leaves to 12 inches long, occasionally to 24 inches.
Plant Guide
‘Tardiva’ panicle hydrangea
Hydrangea paniculata ‘Tardiva’'Tardiva' is a late-flowering (early to late autumn) cultivar with loosely packed, sharply pointed white flower heads that turn purplish pink with age.
Plant Guide
Peegee hydrangea
Hydrangea paniculata ‘Grandiflora’Large, sometimes giant white flower heads reaching 6 to 18 inches long turn pinkish with age.
Plant Guide
Panicle hydrangea
Hydrangea paniculataThis plant produces gracefully arching branches and pyramidal clusters of white, then pink-tinged to dusky purple blossoms.
Plant Guide
Hills-of-snow hydrangea
Hydrangea arborescens ‘Grandiflora'Hydrangea arborescens is a southeastern U.