Drought Tolerant Plants - Page 3 of 3 - Fine Gardening

  • Design

    Dealing With Dry Shade

    Everything I’ve learned about dry-shade gardening has been from experimentation.   When my husband and I bought our home in Fairview, Tennessee, 20 years ago, I had never gardened before.…

  • ‘Shenandoah’ Prairie Switchgrass

    Water-Wise Plants

    Droughts and water shortages have grabbed headlines in recent years, reminding gardeners everywhere that we need to find ways to make our landscapes less dependent on supplemental water. Even in…

  • Purple salvia with other flowers

    Salvias That Won’t Let You Down

    I’m lucky to live in Chicago—maybe not in February when we’re buried in snow, but in spring, it’s a different story. One of my favorite spots in the city is…

  • Drought Tolerant Containers

    Drought-Tolerant Container Garden Designs

    Plants in containers will always be at a disadvantage when it comes to water. Without the insulating earth to protect them, their roots can dry out quickly in summer heat.…

  • a mix of low-growing grasses and perennials with similar textures punctuated with plants with contrasting textures, colors and sizes creates a dynamic transition between the garden and the fields beyond

    Matrix Planting

    When designer Adam Woodruff was hired to create a landscape for a newly renovated home in Illinois, the existing site was mostly turf with a swimming pool surrounded by a…

  • Illustration of silhouettes of queens over the colorful garden

    Queens of the Curbside

    Seven years ago, my husband and I purchased a home in a typical residential neighborhood. One of the things that I liked best about the house was that the previous…