Dwarf Plants - Fine Gardening

  • dwarf tomatoes

    Dwarf Tomatoes Produce Abundant Fruit With a Small Plant

    Imagine it—stocky, handsome tomato plants that need less-aggressive staking, rarely exceed 5 feet in height, and ­offer fruit choices in different sizes and colors. Want more? OK, they taste delicious.…

  • evergreen plants in containers on either side of front steps of home

    The Best Dwarf Evergreens for Winter Containers

    No garden is complete without at least a few containers for seasonal color. I always specify locations for planters when I create a new landscape design, with the intention of…

  • Episode 135: Spring Flowering Dwarf Shrubs

    Episode 135: Spring-Flowering Dwarf Shrubs

    If you’re looking to add some heft to the spring garden but don’t want to overwhelm genteel bulbs or ephemeral perennials, then spring-flowering dwarf shrubs are the answer. These little powerhouses…

  • mini garden that has a mini stone house as a focal point

    Making Miniature Garden Worlds

    I’m Serome Hamlin, and I’ve been gardening at my Zone 7b/8a Virginia home for over 20 years. I consider myself a plant nerd and have started making miniature gardens I…