ferns - Page 3 of 4 - Fine Gardening

  • Design

    A Secret Garden Behind the Hedge

    Welcome to Judy Boyle’s garden! Hemlocks (Tsuga canadensis, Zones 3–7), Leyland cypress (× Cupressocyparis leylandii, Zones 6–10), and green giants (Thuja ‘Green Giant’, Zones 5–8) create a privacy border for the…

  • Design

    Plants Make a Little Space a Paradise

    Today we’re visiting Ana Pfueger’s garden. My husband and I own a landscape business in beautiful New Jersey. Here are a few photos of my small courtyard patio. It’s our…

  • Design

    Returning to the Garden in 40 Shades of Green

    Today Emmanuel Touhey, who has shared his garden with us before, is back to give us a glimpse of what it looks like in the spring. I thought I’d share some…

  • Article

    It Is Easy Being Green

    I'm Ruth Kenworthy Ecker of Wellesley, Massachusetts. I am a member of a local garden club and serve on the board of the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts. Though I…

  • Design

    Inspired Plant Combinations

    We’ve visited Syd Carpenter’s beautiful Philadelphia garden several times, and I’m always happy to go back and be inspired by her sharp sense of design and beautiful plant combinations. Here,…

  • Design

    A Visit to the Amazon Spheres

    You may have heard that Amazon’s headquarters in Seattle includes a series of enormous greenhouses called The Spheres that are packed with an incredible collection of tropical plants. Frequent GPOD…

  • Design

    Enjoying the Process

    My name is Kathy, I live in Royal Oak, Michigan, and I have gardens everywhere around my home. I love to garden, and I spend a lot of time outside.…

  • Lady and Painted ferns side by side

    Lady and Painted Ferns—Trial Results

    If you’re like me, you find that plants come in and out of favor all the time. A few years ago, I was all over blue grama grass (Bouteloua gracilis,…

  • Design

    An Artistic View of the Garden

    Laura Snyder, in Ottawa, Ontario, sent in some beautifully artistic photos from her garden for us to enjoy: I have just started doing garden maintenance this past year after spending…

  • Design

    Gardens on Steps and Stairs, Part 1

    Greetings from Patty Clark in the Yakima Valley of Washington. Instead of posting photos of my rural garden, I am sharing photos I have taken during my travels. These photos…