Firescaping - Page 2 of 2 - Fine Gardening
Learn how to protect your home from wildfires. Firescaping, or firewise landscaping, is the practice of growing and tending the plants around ones home to attempt to keep fires from easily catching in the area directly surrounding the house.Most fires are preceded by fire brands – ashes and debris that float ahead of the fire and set the next area alight. By keeping your property well tended, and by growing plants that are more fire-wise, you have a fighting chance at keeping the fire at bay.
Learn more about firewise plants and landscaping ideas below.
Firesafe garden. A display garden adjacent to a fire station in northern San Diego County illustrates how a garden can be firewise, waterwise, and lush and lovely too. From Designing with Succulents Photo/Illustration: Debra Lee Baldwin-
Fire-Wise Landscaping: How Safe Is Your Home?
Perhaps you are thinking, "Wildfires only happen out west." The last time I checked, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, was on the Atlantic coast. The fire that broke out there on…