Firewise - Fine Gardening

  • planning a firewise landscape

    Planning a Firewise Landscape

    With urban expansion pushing communities farther into natural areas, wildfires are growing more and more problematic for homeowners. Subdivisions and individual homes surrounded by natural landscapes face special wildfire risks.…

  • burned Italian cypress

    Firewise Gardening in Southern California

    With so many Southern California neighborhoods adjacent to the foothills, it's important to address fire safety in our landscape. Many residents near the foothills are forced to act on clearance…

  • aeoniums

    Firescaping in Northern California

    "Fire season" is a reality for Northern California gardeners beginning in late summer through fall, with fire concerns mounting steadily each year. Wildfires threaten—and sometimes consume—wildlands, farmlands, and homes. Though…

  • scorched trees along a river

    Firewise Landscaping in the Mountain West

    In 2020, wildfires raged across the west, with Colorado having three of the largest wildfires on state record. Just west of where I live in Fort Collins, the largest of…

  • firewise plants

    Firewise Landscaping in the Northwest

    One thing that we Northwest gardeners need to start thinking about more and more is how to protect our homes from wildfires. Most gardeners in the Northwest have always expected…

  • Design

    Rebuilding a Garden After a Fire

    Today’s photos come from Carol Cowee. Her images remind us to cherish the beauty of our gardens and inspire us to rebuild when disaster strikes. This was my garden of…