Flora of North America - Page 10 of 14 - Fine Gardening
Regional Picks: Uncommon & Unfussy Plants – Northwest
Three-leaved bittercress Name: Cardamine trifolia USDA Hardiness Zones: 5 to 8 Size: 4 to 6 inches tall and 12 to 18 inches wide Conditions: Light to dappled shade; well-drained soil…
Regional Picks: Tough Ground Covers – Midwest
1. ‘Tara’ Prairie Dropseed Name: Sporobolus heterolepis ‘Tara’ USDA hardiness zones: 3 to 9 Size: 2 to 3 feet tall and wide Conditions: Full sun; average, well-drained soil This exceptional…
Regional Picks: Tough Ground Covers – Northwest
1. ‘Elfin’ Creeping Thyme Name: Thymus serpyllum ‘Elfin’ USDA hardiness zones: 4 to 9 Size: 1 to 2 inches tall and 4 to 8 inches wide Conditions: Full sun; well-drained…
Regional Picks: Plants for Winter’s Worst – Mountain West
Mountain West Jupiter’s beard (Centranthus ruber) USDA Hardiness Zones: 5 to 8 Size: 3 feet tall and wide Conditions: Full sun; poor to average, well-drained soil Jupiter’s beard…
Plants That Can Weather Winter’s Worst
When you live in a cold climate, winter can wreak havoc on your plants. During cold, dry, windy winters, perennials can die by spring from desiccation, while during cold, wet,…
Uncommon Grasses
A couple of old-school gardeners I admire believe that ornamental grasses belong in meadows or along the shore, not in the garden. I reluctantly agree that grasses can dress the…
The 411 on Viburnums: Best Varieties, Care and Troubleshooting
It’s easy to understand why gardeners love viburnums (Viburnum spp. and cvs., USDA Hardiness Zones 2–9). They have lustrous leaves and large (sometimes fragrant) blossoms, and many produce magnificent berries…
Regional Picks: Four Season Interest – Northern Plains
1. Pigsqueak Name: Bergenia spp. and cvs. USDA Hardiness Zones: 3 to 9 Size: Up to 18 inches tall and 2 feet wide Conditions: Full sun to partial shade; moist,…
Regional Picks: Color in the Shade – Southeast
Southeast Variegated pagoda dogwood (Cornus alternifolia ‘Argentea’) USDA Hardiness Zones: 4 to 8 Size: 10 feet tall and 8 feet wide Conditions: Morning sun and afternoon shade; moist soil…
Plantings That You Can’t Miss
Everyone wants his or her garden to be noticed. Moments of subtlety are great, but they work best when they are in the midst of moments of impact. Drifts and…