fragrant plants - Page 3 of 4 - Fine Gardening

  • 'Millenium' Ornamental Onion

    Foundation-Friendly Plants

    Designing the plantings immediately surrounding your home is a tricky task for many gardeners. These plants are frequently viewed up close and personal by visitors and the UPS guy, so…

  • Colorful image of flower petals made up of various plants to try

    Plant Varieties to Try, Plant Varieties to Lose

    With the wide variety of plants at our fingertips, we should be experimenting with new plants all the time. But we often default to the same familiar cultivars, which is…

  • A mature-looking garden full of plants with an umbrella, stone wall and small stone patio

    A Garden That’s Younger Than It Looks

    They never weeded a bed or planted a seed, but our four teenagers were heartbroken to leave the big garden of their childhood. Why couldn’t we wait 10 years? Where…

  • Kitchen Gardening

    The Aromatherapy Garden–Book Review

    If you are a gardener who enjoys fragrant plants, then Kathi Keville's new book The Aromatherapy Garden: Growing Fragrant Plants for Happiness and Well-Being, should be on your reading list!

  • ‘Shenandoah’ Prairie Switchgrass

    Water-Wise Plants

    Droughts and water shortages have grabbed headlines in recent years, reminding gardeners everywhere that we need to find ways to make our landscapes less dependent on supplemental water. Even in…

  • Mounding plants tumbling over a retaining wall’s edge combine with bright spikes of perennial flowers and architectural grasses to wrap a patio in color and texture.

    How to Turn Your Patio into a Garden Oasis

    The kitchen may be the heart of a home, but for most of us, the patio is the center of the backyard. Whether we use it as a place for…

  • Various native perennial seeds and leaves

    Native Perennials to Start from Seed

    Growing native perennials from seed is easier than you might imagine. If you choose species that are adapted to your climate and growing conditions, it’s likely that you can start…

  • Dwarf formosa lily

    Heavenly Scents—Fragrant Plants and Flowers

    A few years ago, I was walking with a friend through a wonderful rose garden and pointed out one of my favorite varieties: the old-fashioned rose ‘Madame Ernest Calvat’, which…

  • 'Katherine' garden phlox

    The Best Garden Phlox

    Garden phlox (Phlox paniculata and cvs., USDA Hardiness Zones 4–8) is one of those “memory” plants for me—a plant I remember from a long way back, before I even knew…

  • Design

    Pick Plants for Fragrance

    Place sweet-smelling plants where you can enjoy them throughout the growing season