fragrant plants - Page 4 of 4 - Fine Gardening

  • Underplant lilacs with other spring flowers.

    Lilacs: Time for a Fresh Look

    Now you can be choosy about fragrance, shape, hue, and flowering time

  • Design

    Fragrant Plants for Pathways

    These 12 plants make your stroll through the garden smell as good as it looks

  • ‘Cleopatra’ foxtail lily

    Big Blooms That Don’t Flop

    Like most gardeners, I swoon at the sight of a border filled with towering delphiniums, head-high dahlias, and deliciously fragrant peonies. These are the coveted candies of the quintessential cottage…

  • Meadow Rues

    Plant Trial Results: Meadow Rues

    One of my longtime favorite garden plants is lavender mist meadow rue. I love its dainty flowers and long-blooming nature, not to mention the fact that its handsome foliage remains…

  • How-To

    Grow Black Tea in Your Garden

    If you're going to have a caffeine addiction, getting the "wake up" into your blood stream by way of black tea just may be the most respectable way. According to…

  • Design

    Hoyas as Indoor and Outdoor Plants

    Most hummingbirds will end up in a 12 step program after discovering them on your back porch.

  • Article

    Fragrant Night-Blooming Plants

    Our family has been spending many nights enjoying summer evenings on the patio; sometimes eating dinner and sometimes just unwinding at the end of the day. Summer is the season…