garden to do list - Page 13 of 13 - Fine Gardening
April Garden To-Do List for the Midwest
Plant some early color outdoors. Brighten up the early-season landscape with plants that can withstand some chilly weather. As the foliage of spring-blooming bulbs begins to emerge, add to the…
April Garden To-Do List for the South
For most of the South, April brings with it the promise that frost is behind us. For our region, soggy weather and even flooding have been the precursor to spring.…
Southwest: April Garden To-Do List
Move potted ice plants (Delosperma spp. and cvs., Zones 5-11) to a shadier spot in your garden for the rest of the summer months. They require less water beginning in…
15 Tips for Designing a Better Garden
A garden designer offers advice for creating enjoyable, livable garden spaces