Hedge - Page 12 of 17 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Sargent’s weeping hemlock
Tsuga canadensis 'Pendula'This hemlock cultivar makes a very beautiful specimen, slowly forming a 10- to 15-foot-tall and 30-foot-wide, multi-layered mound of greenery.
Plant Guide
Wall germander
Teucrium chamaedrysThis evergreen or deciduous subshrub is grown for its attractive, dark green aromatic foliage and its light pink to deep purple flowers, which blossom in summer and early fall.
Plant Guide
‘Miss Canada’ Preston lilac
Syringa × prestoniae ‘Miss Canada’This hardy, late-flowering hybrid bears perfumed rose-pink buds opening to pink flowers.
Plant Guide
Amethyst coralberry
Symphoricarpos × doorenbosii 'Kordes'This hybrid produces vivid deep purple-pink fruit from late summer on.
Plant Guide
‘Miss Kim’ lilac
Syringa pubescens subsp. patula 'Miss Kim'This strongly fragrant cultivar bears single light purple flowers in mid- to late season, and it exhibits maroon autumn foliage.
Plant Guide
Gloriosa daisy
Rudbeckia hirtaThis biennial or short-lived perennial has given rise to numerous cultivars which are often grown as annuals.
Plant Guide
American red raspberry
Rubus strigosusThis native species flowers in summer, producing edible fruits and leaves suitable for making tea.
Plant Guide
‘China Doll’ Polyantha rose
Rosa ‘China Doll’This dwarf rose grows to only 18 inches tall, and covers itself all season long with large clusters of lightly scented vibrant pink flowers.
Plant Guide
‘Vanity’ Hybrid musk rose
Rosa 'Vanity'This rose produces brilliant hot pink blossoms at the tips of wide, arching branches.
Plant Guide
‘The Fairy’ polyantha rose
Rosa ‘The Fairy’This well-loved rose blooms nonstop from June until frost, with double, rosette-shaped blossoms of light pink.