Hedge - Page 3 of 17 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Thumbelina lilac
Syringa 'Bailina'From the Fairytail series of dwarf lilacs, this petite cultivar bears single, light pink flowers in mid- to late season.
Plant Guide
Black elder
Sambucus nigraBlack elder forms an upright and bushy, but somewhat coarse, shrub with toothed green leaves.
Plant Guide
Cut-leaf lilac
Syringa × laciniata
This graceful hybrid produces fragrant, pale lilac flower clusters up to 4 inches long in late spring.
Plant Guide
‘Sensation’ lilac
Syringa vulgaris ‘Sensation’In midseason this unique cultivar bears slightly fragrant, single purple blossoms with distinct white margins.
Plant Guide
‘Primrose’ lilac
Syringa vulgaris ‘Primrose’This unique cultivar bears slightly fragrant, creamy yellowish blossoms in midseason.
Plant Guide
‘Superba’ littleleaf lilac
Syringa pubescens ssp. microphylla 'Superba'This fragrant cultivar bears single rose-pink flowers in midseason, which often rebloom in late summer or autumn.
Plant Guide
‘Purple Pavement’ rugosa rose
Rosa rugosa ‘Purple Pavement’'Purple Pavement' has large, ruffled blossoms with a purple-red color and strong fragrance.
Plant Guide
Rosa rugosa ‘Henry Hudson’
Rosa rugosa 'Henry Hudson''Henry Hudson' has flattened, symmetrical, semi-double, white flowers with a spicy clove scent.
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‘Zephrine Drouhin’ rose
Rosa 'Zephirine Drouhin'This beautiful repeat bloomer tolerates shadier conditions than other roses and poor soils.