Herb Garden - Page 3 of 12 - Fine Gardening

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    ‘Annie Hall’ thyme

    Thymus serphyllum 'Annie Hall'

    'Annie Hall' forms a prostrate mat with small, narrow leaves and is covered with pale purple-pink flowers in late spring.

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    Chamaemelum nobile and cvs.

    A hardy perennial, chamomile has aromatic, threadlike leaves that fill the air with a pleasing apple-pineapple scent.

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    Agastache ‘Tutti Frutti’

    Agastache ‘Tutti Frutti’

    This is an erect, bushy perennial with scented gray-green leaves.

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    ‘Coronation Gold’ yarrow

    Achillea ‘Coronation Gold’

    This 2.

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    ‘Moonshine’ yarrow

    Achillea 'Moonshine'

    This popular gray-leaved yarrow has 18-inch-tall yellow flower heads that last for several weeks in late summer.

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    French lavender

    Lavandula stoechas

    This early-blooming compact shrub bears intriguing pine-cone-shaped flowers that have dark-purple bracts, or “rabbit ears.

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    Russian comfrey

    Symphytum  × uplandicum ‘Axminster Gold’

    This notably beautiful plant produces huge, elongated banana-shaped leaves, which are arfully edged in luminescent yellow.

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    Blue-stemmed goldenrod

    Solidago caesia

    In early autumn, this species produces elegant, wand-shaped flowerheads atop wiry stems with blue-green, linear leaves.

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    ‘Golden Fleece’ goldenrod

    Solidago sphacelata 'Golden Fleece'

    This outstanding cultivar forms a neat, 1-foot tall groundcover.

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    ‘Berggarten’ sage

    Salvia officinalis ‘Berggarten’

    Cooks and gardeners alike are indebted to this evergreen perennial for the unique, pungent flavor and aroma that its gray-green leaves produce.