Indoor Plant - Page 10 of 13 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Makinoi’s holly fern
Polystichum makinoiThis evergreen terrestial fern has a somewhat formal look due to its satiny olive-green fronds and neat, arching habit.
Plant Guide
Japanese laurel
Aucuba japonicaAucuba are grown for their bold foliage, autumn fruit, and adaptability to shade, dry soil, pollution, and coastal conditions.
Plant Guide
Mexican mint
Plectranthus amboinicusPrized largely for its foliage, this spreading evergreen perennial is grown as an annual or under glass.
Plant Guide
‘Variegatum’ scented geranium
Pelargonium crispum ‘Variegatum’This lemon-scented, shrubby, upright pelargonium has cream-margined leaves.
Plant Guide
Scented geranium
Pelargonium crispumThis plant is a lemon-scented, shrubby, upright pelargonium with pale pink flowers and crinkled leaves.
Plant Guide
Lilium 'Star Gazer'
Often used by florists, 'Star Gazer' lily has bright crimson flowers with purple spots and dark edges.
Plant Guide
Dwarf palmetto
Sabal minorThis species has deeply divided, fan-shaped leaves of blue-green to 3 feet across.
Plant Guide
‘Israel’ paperwhite narcissus
Narcissus ‘Israel’This tender paperwhite is well-suited to forcing, blooming 3 to 5 weeks after planting.
Plant Guide
Flame nasturtium
Tropaeolum speciosumThis tender perennial climber has edible, hand-shaped leaves and crimson red flowers in summer and fall which are uniquely textured.
Plant Guide
Autumn sage
Salvia greggiiThis native of Texas and Mexico has a woody base and can form a dwarf, evergreen shrub, 1 foot tall by 1 foot wide.