Indoor Plant - Page 13 of 13 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Wild jonquil
Narcissus jonquillaThis Division 10 Bulbocodium species blooms late in the season, bearing up to 5 fragrant and nodding golden-yellow flowers.
Plant Guide
Busy Lizzie
Impatiens walleriana cvs.This subshrubby perennial with light green to red-flushed stems has slightly toothed, scalloped, light to bronze-green or red-flushed leaves to 5 inches long.
Plant Guide
Rose balsam
Impatiens balsamina and cvs.This plant has a sparsely branched form and narrow lance-shaped, pale green leaves.
Plant Guide
‘Riccartonii’ Fuchsia
Fuchsia magellanica 'Riccartonii'This cultivar has dark green leaves with a faint bronze sheen.
Plant Guide
Fortune’s holly fern
Cyrtomium fortuneiUsually found in moist, rocky areas or woodland in central and eastern Asia, this evergreen fern is deciduous in colder climates.