Indoor Plant - Page 6 of 13 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
‘Dark Star’ coleus
Plectranthus scutellarioides ‘Dark Star’The simple, indigo-purple leaves of mid-size 'Dark Star' draw all eyes to its inky depths.
Plant Guide
‘Trailing Bleeding Heart’ coleus
Plectranthus scutellarioides ‘Trailing Bleeding Heart’The 14-inch-tall cultivar ‘Trailing Bleeding Heart’ has hot fuchsia-pink leaves ringed with purple and a band of lime green.
Plant Guide
‘Meandering Linda’ coleus
Plectranthus scutellarioides ‘Meandering Linda’‘Meandering Linda’, a close cousin of <a href="/WorkArea/linkit.
Plant Guide
‘Victoria’ mealycup sage
Salvia farinacea 'Victoria'This compact perennial forms a bush less than 1.
Plant Guide
Castor bean
Ricinus communis 'Carmencita'
'Carmencita' castor bean is a shrub, usually grown as an annual, that grows to 6 to 10 feet and is well branched, with dark bronze-red foliage and bright red female flowers.
Plant Guide
Thai ruellia
Ruellia elegansThis species has open-faced coral-red blossoms from late spring until fall.
Plant Guide
Cape leadwort
Plumbago auriculataThis evergreen shrub, native to South Africa, has long, skinny stems and phlox-like pale blue flowers.
Plant Guide
‘Roger’s Delight’ scented geranium
Pelargonium ‘Roger’s Delight’Trailing ‘Roger’s Delight’ has lemon-scented leaves and large red upper petals and paler lower petals.
Plant Guide
‘Pungent Peppermint’ scented geranium
Pelargonium ‘Pungent Peppermint’This trailing plant has peppermint-scented, deeply cut leaves and mauve flowers.
Plant Guide
Kalwerbossie geranium
Pelargonium sidoidesThis exemplary species has felted, gray, crinkled leaves.