Indoor Plant - Page 8 of 13 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Muscari Paradoxum
Muscari paradoxumThe flowers of this grape hyacinth are stunning, reaching 8 to 12 inches tall.
Plant Guide
‘Valerie Finnis’ grape hyacinth
Muscari neglectum 'Valerie Finnis'This graph hyacinth is a tall, brilliant powder-blue showstopper that shows beautifully with pink-cupped daffodils.
Plant Guide
‘Blue Spike’ grape hyacinth
Muscari armeniacum 'Blue Spike'These double-flowered grape hyacinths are a good candidate for beds and borders because they increase only by division.
Plant Guide
Large-cupped daffodil
Narcissus ‘Ceylon’This daffodil has large, long-lasting flowers that are a deep, sunny yellow with orange cups.
Plant Guide
‘Tahiti’ daffodil
Narcissus ‘Tahiti’Although some people don’t consider double or peonylike daffodils classics, many double hybrids have been in existence for a long time.
Plant Guide
‘Jack Snipe’ daffodil
Narcissus ‘Jack Snipe’Generally speaking, daffodils perform best in full sun and well-drained soil, in areas where there is a fair amount of rainfall in the fall and spring and where the summer…
Plant Guide
Friendship plant
Pilea involucrataFriendship plant, a native of Central and South America, is easily propagated and given to friends—hence the common name.
Plant Guide
‘New Look Red’ Egyptian star cluster
Pentas lanceolata ‘New Look Red’Red star-shaped flowers with small white centers bloom atop erect stems from spring to autumn.
Plant Guide
Hibiscus trionumA seldom-seen annual or short-lived perennial, this easy-to-grow plant performs as the perfect filler in beds and containers.