japanese maple - Page 2 of 3 - Fine Gardening

  • Article

    Fall in Nicki’s Garden

    Today we’re in Lake Bluff, Illinois (north of Chicago), visiting Nicki Snoblin’s garden. I am often attracted to pristine garden beds filled with colorful and unblemished flowers and foliage. This…

  • Design

    A Friendly Garden for Birds, Butterflies, and Squirrels

    Welcome to Kamalika Chakrabarty’s garden. Our garden in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, consists of a border along the front porch and a side garden that surrounds a patio. We use…

  • Design

    A Year in a Garden

    Today we’re visiting Dale Dailey’s garden. Spring came late this year to central Michigan, but our gardens enjoyed the cool, wet weather. This is a photo from mid-April that shows…

  • Design

    Hurricanes Can’t Stop This Garden

    Dusanka Marusic is sharing their garden in Hewlett Harbor, New York, today. They have been gardening there since 2009, though it is an older garden. Dusanka says that they have…

  • Design

    A Secret Side Garden

    Welcome to Leila Alhusaini’s beautiful garden in Kentucky. When my husband and I moved into our Richmond, Kentucky, home there was no landscaping unless you count the weeds and wild…

  • Design

    A Garden Full of Memories

    Barbara Downing Owening sent in these photos in memory of her brother Ken. When Fine Gardening first began the GPOD feature, I began to encourage my brothers to collect their…

  • Article

    Year-Round Garden Interest

    My name is Keri Shinault. I live in Northern Kentucky, Zone 6a, and have been gardening for about 12 years. I am an artist and am just as happy painting…

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    Favorite Spring Blooms

    Today’s photos come from Tara Messina, who is a flower farmer in Connecticut and also gardens for private estate clients. She shares some of her favorite spring flowers from her…

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    When Spring Goes Bad

    Today’s photos come from Susan Rand, who has a bone to pick with spring. We’ve lived and gardened in Colorado (Zone 5) for 36 years, and I’ve learned never to…

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    Paradise in the Mountains

    Today's garden photos come from Debbie McDonagh. Debbie says: My name is Debbie McDonagh, and I garden in the mountains of Upstate New York, Zone 5a. I have many challenges…