Kitchen Garden - Page 3 of 7 - Fine Gardening

  • boy in a garden

    Janelle’s Great-Grandmother’s Garden

    Today we’ve got an unusual GPOD submission. Janelle Molony is sharing with us the story and some photos of her great-grandparents, Louis and Martha Nasch, from St. Paul, Minnesota. The…

  • Mustard greens in a container

    How to Grow Mustard Greens for an Easy, Early Harvest

    As gardeners, we long for the summer months and picking our first cucumber, zucchini, or tomato. However, you don't have to wait that long if you grow mustard greens (Brassica…

  • Flame Seedless grapes

    Grapevines Offer a Feast for the Senses

    Finding a plant that can serve multiple purposes in the garden is always a gardener’s dream. So let’s focus on a plant that is ideal for landscape designing, greening up…

  • vegetable harvest including tomatoes and potatoes

    Beertayday in Minnesota

    We’re off to Minnesota to visit a garden that, on Instagram, has the username “Beertayda,” which means “my garden” in Somali. Today's contributor, like so many of us, says that…

  • artichokes

    Growing Artichokes in the Northeast

    The artichoke that is cultivated as a vegetable is a variety of cardoon (Cynara cardunculus, Zones 7–10), or artichoke thistle, a thistle-type perennial in the sunflower family that’s native to…

  • using mini hoop tunnels

    How to Build and Use a Mini Hoop Tunnel

    Building a mini hoop tunnel is a quick process with three easy steps. 1. Insert the hoops In my raised beds, I insert the ends of my wire, metal, or…

  • mini hoop tunnels

    Protect Your Veggies With Mini Hoop Tunnels

    Whether you are trying to prevent rabbits from nibbling lettuce, protect newly transplanted tomatoes from frost, or shelter cool-season vegetables into late autumn or even winter, a mini hoop tunnel…

  • large pile garlic

    Growing Garlic in the Southeast

    Garlic is one of the easiest crops to grow in the Southeast. But not only is it easy to grow; it also has very few pest and disease problems. Additionally,…

  • late summer flowers around a small table and chairs

    Gardening Through Intense Weather

    Today we’re visiting with Kim Herdman, in Williams Lake, British Columbia, Canada, who has had a difficult gardening year. Fortunately, many of the plants managed to pull through and perform…

  • greenhouse lit up at night

    Stained-Glass Greenhouse in Alaska

    Barb Stigen is sharing photos today of an incredible greenhouse she created with her husband in Alaska. It all started with 36 antique stained-glass windows Barb purchased at an auction,…